Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bingham Unversity: Cheating on a Spouse is Genetic (Tell That to My Girlfriend)

In a study recently accomplished by Bingham University evolutionary biology doctoral fellow Justin Garcia it was indicated that the gene DRD4 does not only play a part in excitement based behaviour, such as drinking and gambling, but is also related to promiscuity and infidelity. This new finding supports what Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil has been putting forward that cheating is genetic.

Dr. Weil stated, “Men who cheat are wired to thrive in high arousal activities because of their biological make up.” She further explained that this in turn makes them look for activities to soothe these higher hormone levels. According to her, the most common choices were alcohol, drugs, and sex. This, however, merely points to genetic predisposition which makes the possibility of cheating by those who have the gene higher. It is still a choice whether to go through with the added temptation this brings or not. This is what she concludes in her book, “Make Up Don’t Break Up”.

The study made by Dr. Garcia covers the historical detail of sexual relationships of a group of almost 200 young men and women. The DNA of these subjects was then sampled to compare whether those who were unfaithful would have the DRD4 gene. He pointed out that a variant of the gene also predisposed towards being unfaithful in a relationship through, infidelity or one-night stands. He explained that the dopamine high this brought about naturally also increased the likelihood by acting as a motivational reward. He indicated further that it was their belief that this was not related to what the unfaithful partner felt for the one betrayed. He stated this is not an excuse to be promiscuous but gives us insight into how biology affects our behavior.

Story from: Rillara News