Thursday, March 31, 2011

Daily Dose: Jaymay - Gray Or Blue

Staying Safe In Your Place

Smoke Detectors
Smoke detectors are a must. Many city and county laws state that detectors need to be maintained by the landlord; if you don’t know if this is the law in your area, call your local fire marshal and find out. If detectors are required and your landlord is not doing so, give him/her a firm but polite reminder. If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to send a certified letter informing him/her that you are aware of the law and that you will be ensuring that the law is enforced. There should be a smoke detector in each room, especially bedrooms. However, it is your job to maintain the detectors inside your apartment. Check the batteries regularly and make sure it is installed correctly. 

In the event of a fire, you should make sure that you know what the emergency evacuation route is in your building. If you don’t live on the first floor, find out where the nearest stairwell is and practice an emergency evacuation drill with your family or roommate.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, carbon monoxide poisoning is the leading cause of accidental poisoning death in the United States. An odorless, tasteless, invisible gas, carbon monoxide can only be found with a detector. Depending on the law in your area, your building may or may not be required to provide these for your apartment. Regardless, this is another detector that you should definitely invest in. Test the alarm to be sure it is loud enough to wake you and be heard from other rooms. If your landlord has installed one or more, test and check their installation just as you would with smoke detectors.

Unwanted Critters
Mice, roaches and ants are probably not your ideal roommates. Many building codes require a monthly visit from a preventative exterminator to keep out vermin, so check with the code commissioner and then enforce this rule with your landlord. When you first move in, look for droppings (yuck) and signs of previous pets—fleas are also considered vermin. The landlord is always responsible for clearing out vermin before you move in, but after that, it is your job to keep the apartment clean and do regular checks for infestations.

Other Lurking Hazards
Before you move in, your landlord should provide you with a list of any potential safety issues.

The federal government mandated in 1996 that property managers must inform tenants if lead based paint was used in the building. This type of paint was used in buildings as recently as 20 years ago and it is the leading cause of potential harm to children in urban areas. This paint is most dangerous when it chips and creates dust that can be inhaled. If you suspect that your apartment contains lead based paint, inform your landlord and allow the legal amount of time for removal.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Daily Dose: Lykke Li - Let It Fall

It’s Official: Being Beautiful Makes You Happier

Beautiful people are happier than less attractive people, according to a new study by University of Texas-Austin economists.
And interestingly the way that happiness is experienced in beautiful men and women differs considerably, saidDaniel Hamermesh in an interview with the Star.
Previous research has shown that beautiful people generally earn more money and are able to attract a better-looking and higher-earning spouse.
But in Hamermesh’s most recent study he has found many beautiful women are just happier because they are beautiful. “Beauty affects their happiness independent of its impact on their incomes, marriage prospects and other outcomes,” Hamermesh and his co-author Jason Abrevaya write in the study.
In men, the effect of beauty continues to be economic and indirect, he explained. Their attractiveness or beauty means they make more money or attract a beautiful spouse and that gives them increased happiness.
While most beautiful women also experience an economic benefit from their beauty. It is their beauty that gives them happiness. “It’s just the sheer fact of being good-looking, walking down the street and feeling good about your self,” he explained.
Hamermesh used data from surveys from four countries – Canada, the United States, Germany and Britain – in his study to determine life satisfaction or happiness and its relationship to beauty.
About 25,000 people were surveyed between 1971 and 2007. Interviewers asked them about their happiness and at the same time their attractiveness or beauty was ranked by interviewers face to face or by photographs.
Hamermesh didn’t know what to expect when he began analyzing the data. “I wanted to see if there was a relationship between happiness and beauty and we found this relationship,” he said. “That got us to think about what is causing this relationship and how it might differ across genders.”
According to the study, those who are considered the most attractive – in the top 15 per cent – are more than 10 per cent happier than those ranked in the bottom 10 per cent.
The study concludes that “among both men and women at least half of the increase in satisfaction/happiness generated by beauty is indirect.”

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Daily Dose: The Eels - Fresh Feeling

University of Michigan Study Finds Heartache Equal to Physical Pain

Love hurts. A study at the University of Michigan has confirmed it. Romantic heartbreak causes the same regions in the brain that involve physical pain to activate. It looks like the heart and mind are truly connected when it comes to love.

Everyone can attest to a broken heart at least once in their lives. It's a known fact that love hurts. Now, science has proven that break-ups are indeed painful for the heart, mind, and the body. Will this finding change the way people view love when entering a new relationship? Probably not.

Dr. Steven Richeimer, a researcher at the USC Pain Center stated:

"The idea of heartache is an old, old term and I think it's there for a reason. When you affect negative emotions, you will activate a lot of the same nervous system parts and systems and chemistry that are involved in bodily pain."

So, we get that love hurts. What about research to lessen the pain of heartache? Exercise is always good to do and keeping oneself busy is crucial to surviving a break-up. It's no good to be alone, depressed, and suffering a break-up. These suggestions have no scientific backing, but they do help.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Daily Dose: Sia - Breathe Me (Remix)

Students Rally For Education Funding

Students representing public universities from across Michigan gathered to voice their frustration with the state of higher education funding Thursday at the Capitol building, 100 N. Capitol Ave., in Lansing.
The rally was hosted by the Student Association of Michigan, or SAM, a student coalition with representatives from 15 Michigan universities. SAM advocates for the promotion of higher education in state government.
The event featured student and professional speakers from across the state who voiced their opinions on proposed cuts to higher education funding. Gov. Rick Snyder has proposed to cut universities’ state funding by as much as $360 million collectively.
MSU’s share of that could be as much as $61 million, although $18 million of that could be recouped if the university keeps tuition increases at 7 percent or less.
Jay Gage, a representative of SAM and a Lake Superior State University student, said support for higher education funding is important because an investment in students is an investment in the future.
“The students are the future leaders and the future workers of the state,” Gage said. “I think it’s a shame that (the state government is) subsidizing different avenues of different things in the state without focusing on the future.”
Having MSU representation at the rally particularly was important, considering the proximity of the campus to the Capitol, said Michael Lipphardt, director of educational policy and university budgets at ASMSU.
ASMSU is MSU’s undergraduate student government.
“We really wanted to have a representative out today, particularly because MSU is so close to the Capitol,” Lipphardt said. “We believe that our collaboration with SAM and being down here is one of our top priorities.”
Penny Gardner, the president of the Union of Nontenure-Track Faculty at MSU and assistant professor of writing, rhetoric & culture and veterinary medicine spoke at the rally. As an educator, she said she has been able to see the potential of many students for higher education and wanted to make sure they were not hindered by lack of funding.

Daily Dose: Feist - Mushaboom

Yesterday was a very busy day at work and I forgot to post a video. So, is your lucky day...youre getting 2!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Russian Scientists Setup Institution For Yeti Research

With the vast amount of eyewitnesses coming forward claiming to have seen the elusive Yeti, Russian scientists decided to setup a “Yeti Institute” at Kemerovo State University. The eyewitnesses claimed to have witnessed the Yeti stealing their farm animals. Dr. Igor Burtsev interviewed the locals and has had many years of experience on the subject.

Of course, we here at GT have covered some of Dr. Burtsev’s work in the past. Throughout the years I remain convinced that Dr. Burtsev has a major fault. He tends to build some sort of rapport with his eyewitnesses. Do you guys remember Fox the Bigfoot? Maybe you might remember the claims of Janice Carter. How she has had a close relationship with a large family of Bigfoot. Dr. Burtsev remains convinced that Janice Carter is telling the truth, so much so, that he has spent months visiting Janice in hopes of documenting the case. The results? Nothing. Just the stories of Janice Carter, which if you read or watch any documentary on the case, it leaves you believing that Janice lives in a fantasy world.

But that is only one case. I’ve seen several dozen reports from eyewitnesses and Russian officials claiming to have witnessed the Yeti. Hopefully with this new research team and facility, the scientists can get more funding at trying to figure out exactly what it is that people are seeing in the Russian wilderness.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daily Dose: Vampire Weekend - Horchata

Nothing beats live muisc

Are You Sleepy? Maybe Youre Overeating

People who get too little sleep tend to overeat, a Columbia University study suggests.

And sleepy, hungry people don't make wise food choices, find Marie-Pierre St-Onge, PhD, and colleagues at New York Obesity Research Center.

"Short sleep may make you more susceptible to overeating," St-Onge tells WebMD via email. "Keep that in mind when trying to manage your weight."

St-Onge and colleagues kept 13 men and 13 women in a controlled environment for six days on two separate occasions. During one visit, they spent nine hours a day in bed. On the other visit, they were allowed only four hours of bed time.

For four days, all of the men and women were kept on the same diet. On the fifth day they were allowed to eat anything they chose.

On that day, people gobbled about 300 more calories when they were sleepy compared to when they were well rested. Most of those extra calories came from fat, especially saturated fat.

Women were especially vulnerable to overeating when sleepy. Tired women ate 328.6 extra calories, while tired men indulged in 262.7 extra calories. Women were more likely to choose fatty foods when tired, but men tended to choose the same amount of fat.

With five extra hours to eat, didn't subjects simply use the extra time for an extra meal? St-Onge doesn't think so. Only seven of the 26 subjects ate after bedtime.

The finding, she suggests, may help explain why there seems to be a link between sleep duration and obesity.

"Our data show that reducing sleep increases energy and fat intakes, which may explain some of the association observed between sleep and obesity," St-Onge and colleagues conclude. "If sustained, the dietary choices made by individuals undergoing short sleep would predispose to obesity and increased risk of cardiovascular disease."

St-Onge and colleagues presented their findings at the American Heart Association's Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism/Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention conference, held March 22-25 in Atlanta.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Daily Dose: Dragonette - I Get Around (Remix)

66% women unaware of sexual harassment

Women don't report sexual harassment because they simply can't identify such behaviour. This isn't our opinion but the finding of a study conducted by a medical student of D Y Patil Medical College who said that of the 200 medical students she surveyed, more than 66% has sketchy knowledge of sexual harassment. Another important finding was that men also reported harassment at work. The study which was conducted under the guidance of Dr Amitav Banerjee, head of community medicine department at the medical college sought to measure awareness about sexual harassment in the workplace among future professionals.

"The study was conducted over a few months by a third-year student which found men guilty of not realising what behaviour amounts to harassment. Most importantly, respondents only identified physical approach as harassment but didn't think that harassment could be verbal, mental and even non-verbal," said Dr Banerjee.

The survey also showed that most respondents felt that the onus to stop harassment lay on the victim with 51% stating that the victim should report it to stop it. However the biggest shocker is that 49% of surveyed respondents held the woman responsible in some manner for the harassment.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Daily Dose: Matt Pond PA - Halloween

Moving Back Home After College With Your Dignity Intact

Step 1: Take a breather - Transitioning from college to the real world is no easy feat. So move home. Take a little time to chill out and get your head together before launching into full-fledged adulthood.

Use your downtime to set goals and investigate career options.

Step 2: Set rules - Talk with your parents, and lay down some mutually agreeable house rules. That 10 p.m. curfew needs to be a thing of the past, but you might have to compromise in other areas.

Step 3: Respect the 'rents - Unless your parents are bikers or roadies, they may not want your beer pong tournaments in the living room. Try to be respectful of the people who are putting you up—and offer to pay some rent.

Step 4: Make a plan - Make a plan and a realistic time line for achieving the goals that will let you fly the nest. This’ll keep you on track, give you and the folks an accurate forecast of how long you’ll be around, and help remind you that it won’t be forever.

Step 5: Redecorate - Those boy band posters you put up in junior high might feel a little outdated. Upgrade your room to reflect the new you.

Step 6: Save up - Become the master of your finances! Since you’re probably not paying much for rent or utilities, you can boost your savings account, which means being able to afford rent on your own place a lot faster.

Step 7: Ride the party line - Nosy relatives, doubting dates, and trust fund babies may not understand why you’re cohabitating with the folks. Come up with a simple excuse, like “Once you become an adult you realize how much you owe your parents—I’m sticking around a little while to help them out.”

Friday, March 18, 2011

Daily Dose: Sera Cahoone - Baker Lake

You Have ADHD? Lucky!

The distractibility and impulsiveness that is the hallmark of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may have a silver lining, according to a new study that suggests those with the disorder are more creative than those without.
Researchers gave 60 college students, half with ADHD, a series of tests measuring creativity across 10 domains -- drama, music, humor, creative writing, invention, visual arts, scientific discovery, dance, architecture and culinary arts. The students also answered questions about their problem-solving styles, including preferences for generating, structuring, refining and implementing ideas.
The ADHD group scored higher on creativity across the board, the study authors said, and also exhibited a greater preference for brainstorming and generating ideas than the non-ADHD group, which preferred refining and clarifying ideas.
The study, a follow-up to one conducted in 2006, is published in the April issue of Personality and Individual Differences.
"Personality traits like stubbornness could be seen as a negative thing or it could be seen as a strength . . . and I think it's similar with distraction," said study author Holly A. White, an assistant professor of psychology at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Fla. "But it can also mean they're open to a lot of new ideas coming in. It allows for collisions of ideas we otherwise might not see."
ADHD, affecting approximately 5 percent of American youths, is a neurobehavioral disorder characterized by inattentiveness, hyperactivity, disorganization and difficulty focusing, among other traits. The condition persists into adulthood in 30 percent to 50 percent of those affected.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Daily Dose: School of Seven Bells - Half Asleep

Digital Textbooks Are The Future

Sales of digital textbooks still only account for a small fraction of the U.S. college market. But according to the latest report by the social learning platform Xplana, we have reached the tipping point for e-textbooks, and the company predicts that in the next five years digital textbook sales will surpass 25% of sales for the higher education and career education markets.

That figure is a revision from the company's report last year, which predicted that one in five college textbooks would be digital by the year 2014. Due to the rate at which colleges are embracing digital textbooks, Xplana now projects that sales will grow by 80 to 100% over the next four years.

One of the major reasons why Xplana's report has more optimistic figures for textbook adoption is the popularity of the iPad. Xplana's 2010 report was published before the impact of the iPad could really be assessed. No doubt, the success of the iPad has fueled the consumption of digital content in general. But the iPad has also spawned a number of new digital textbook companies, such as Inkling.

Along with their embrace of the iPad, consumers have also bought e-readers in higher-than-expected numbers. Only about 5% of millennials own e-readers according to a recent Pew Study on the adoption of electronic gadgetry, but undoubtedly, the exploding popularity of trade e-books will impact the acceptance of e-textbooks.

Just as new devices have helped spawn the growth in e-books, Xplana also points to some significant
developments around open educational resources (OER) and open textbooks. States and institutions have embarked on a number of OER initiatives to help address the affordability and availability of textbooks, including Washington State's Open Course Library project, a program that aims to make core college materials available on the Web for less than $30 per class.

An oft-cited study by the Book Industry Study Group found that 75% of college students say they prefer print textbooks. But Xplana says that rather than take that study as a sign that students will refuse use digital books, we should instead marvel that, at a time when only 1% of college textbooks are available in an electronic format, that already 25% of college students say they prefer to study this way.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Daily Dose: Rosi Golan - Hazy

Mediterranean, Not Only Good But Good For You

After conducting a review of the results of 50 published studies on the Mediterranean diet with more than 500,000 participants, researchers have found that the Mediterranean food helps in reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

The findings suggested that the natural foodsbased diet was linked with low risks of high blood pressure, blood sugar and triglycerides and it also helped in reducing the risk of a drop in good cholesterol.

Dr. Demosthenes Panagiotakos, an Associate Professor at Harokopio University of Athens in Greece, said, "It is one of the first times in the literature, maybe the first, that someone looks through a meta-analysis at the cardiovascular disease risk factors and not only the hard outcome of heart disease and other conditions".

Published in the March issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, this study suggested the daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and low-fat dairy products, weekly consumption of fish, poultry, tree nuts, and legumes.

Researchers also linked the consumption of Mediterranean food to the decreased metabolic syndrome risk and they believed that a more advanced study was required to develop more clarity on the issue.

Dr. Ronald Goldberg, Professor of medicine at the Diabetes Research Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, believed that the findings were no surprise as many previous studies had confirmed the role of Mediterranean diet on reducing heart disease.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Daily Dose: Delphic - This Momentary

Forget The Treadmill, Get a Dog

If you’re looking for the latest in home exercise equipment, you may want to consider something with four legs and a wagging tail.
Several studies now show that dogs can be powerful motivators to get people moving. Not only are dog owners more likely to take regular walks, but new research shows that dog walkers are more active over all than people who don’t have dogs.
One study even found that older people are more likely to take regular walks if the walking companion is canine rather than human.
“You need to walk, and so does your dog,” said Rebecca A. Johnson, director of the human-animal interaction research center at the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. “It’s good for both ends of the leash.”

Just last week, researchers from Michigan State University reported that among dog owners who took their pets for regular walks, 60 percent met federal criteria for regular moderate or vigorous exercise. Nearly half of dog walkers exercised an average of 30 minutes a day at least five days a week. By comparison, only about a third of those without dogs got that much regular exercise.
The researchers tracked the exercise habits of 5,900 people in Michigan, including 2,170 who owned dogs. They found that about two-thirds of dog owners took their pets for regular walks, defined as lasting at least 10 minutes.
Unlike other studies of dog ownership and walking, this one also tracked other forms of exercise, seeking to answer what the lead author, Mathew Reeves, called an obvious question: whether dog walking “adds significantly to the amount of exercise you do, or is it simply that it replaces exercise you would have done otherwise?”
The answers were encouraging, said Dr. Reeves, an associate professor of epidemiology at Michigan State. The dog walkers had higher overall levels of both moderate and vigorous physical activity than the other subjects, and they were more likely to take part in other leisure-time physical activities like sports and gardening. On average, they exercised about 30 minutes a week more than people who didn’t have dogs.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Daily Dose: Headlights - Put Us Back Together Right

Academic ‘Coaching’ Boosts Graduation Rates

A Stanford University School of Education study being released today suggests that undergraduates who receive executive-style “coaching” — including guidance on setting goals and time management — are more likely to remain in college and graduate.

A Stanford professor, Eric Bettinger, and a doctoral student, Rachel Baker, reviewed the academic records of more than 13,500 undergraduates at eight colleges and universities during the 2003-4 school year, and again in 2007-8.

The researchers calculated a 10-percent to 15-percent increase in retention rates among those who had received coaching and mentoring — a finding of no small import at a moment when hundreds of thousands of students are dropping out before graduation, or taking upward of six years to complete their degrees.

For those readers of The Choice bound for college next fall, I believe the results underscore the importance of seeking out mentors early, not only among the staff of deans and counselors, but upperclassmen, too.

“The results are clear: coaching had a clear impact on retention and completion rates,” Professor Bettinger said in a statement released with the report. “And not only does coaching improve the likelihood students will remain in college, but expenditures on coaching are much smaller than the costs of other methods to encourage persistence in college.”

The data for the study was provided by InsideTrack, a company that has been a pioneer in providing students with such counseling, including at Chapman University in Orange, Calif., which was the subject of a feature article in USA Today in 2005.

The full study has been posted today on the Web site of the National Bureau of Economic Research

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Daily Dose: Silversun Pickups- Lazy Eye

Study Aboard in North Korea

Pack a suitcase for Pyongyang. Study Korean in Kaesong. North Korea may be an unlikely destination for study abroad, but its border has been breached. The P'yongyang Project, a Beijing-based nonprofit organization, has been organizing study tours, or “delegations,” to North Korea since 2009, and this summer Lafayette College, in Pennsylvania, plans to become the first American university to offer a credit-bearing study abroad program above the 38th parallel.

"This is an amazing opportunity for Lafayette College and, frankly, for Americans to get into parts of the world that many people think are completely blocked off," says Allison Alexy, an assistant professor of anthropology and Japan expert who will co-lead the program. "Part of the point of this program is that nothing and no one and no culture is nearly as isolated as we might think it is, and it seems this might be a great way to demonstrate that point experientially."

The 2.5-week program, organized by the P'yongyang Project, will focus on intersections between the cultures of China, North Korea and South Korea. Students will split their time between the three countries, spending five days in North Korea, traveling to Pyongyang, the capital; Nampo, on the western coast; and Kaesong, near the demilitarized zone. Per the itinerary, planned excursions and activities within North Korea include visiting Kim II Sung’s mausoleum, a Korean history museum and a "people’s commune"; meeting with students at Kim II Sung University and Kim Ch’aek Science and Technology University; attending the famous Arirang Mass Games, watching a performance of the Pyongyang Circus, and riding the rides (imported from Italy) at the Pyongyang Amusement Park. Students will tour the DMZ from the North with a Korean People’s Army guide, and will also have the opportunity, later in the program, to visit the DMZ from the South Korea side.

"We’ve organized the program so it’s really about appreciating and acknowledging the different cultures in Northeast Asia, not including Japan, unfortunately, but China, North Korea, and South Korea, and also paying attention to the ways that different cultures are connected," Alexy says.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Daily Dose: Paper Route - Second Chances

Throw a Housewarming Party

Moving can be a stressful yet adventurous task. To relieve some of the tension and allow your legs to breathe from carrying boxes up flights of steps, consider throwing an apartment warming party for you and some friends.

There are numerous reasons for apartment warming parties. First and foremost, to show off your new pad! Invite friends over to see how you just bought the apartment of your dreams and maybe bounce some ideas off them as to how you will fill those spaces. Secondly, you can use the party to get to know those who will be living around you. If you plan on staying here for a while, it might be a good idea to invest some time in getting to know those down the hall. Your living situation will be a whole lot better if you can walk the halls and greet your neighbors by name. Thirdly, it can be a short break from the whole process. Packing your things, moving them, loading them into the new place and unpacking them is a long and strenuous process. Give yourself a short breather. Set out some finger foods, a couple of drinks and surround yourself with friends. That will help things go a lot easier.

The first part of the party will be sending some invitations out a week and a half to two weeks prior. If you are inviting the people next door, you don’t even need to mail the invites. You can simply knock on doors and hand them invitations or slip them under the door. If you are inviting friends from out-of-town that would be here for a couple days for the event, give them a couple pieces of information about the town so they don’t feel like complete strangers. List some good places to eat, cheap places to stay and where all the nightlife lives. No matter who you are inviting, it is important that you give good directions to your new place. If they need to buzz in, give them that number and an alternative phone number they can call if you’re not there. Be specific!

Next on your agenda should be the shopping. You’ll want to provide your guests with some food and drink for the gala affair, so make a list. Get cans or small glass bottles of beverages so unused portions can be shoved into the fridge instead of going to waste. For food, consider getting finger foods that are easy to make. Get a good variety of cold and hot so you don’t have to do much cooking beforehand. Don’t forget plates, cups and utensils. Make sure to buy more than you have people invited. They’ll be sure to leave a drink somewhere and forget it.

You’ll want to assemble a small team to pull off the party. Guests will be arriving and leaving off and on. If you plan on giving tours to your guests, be sure to gather a couple friends to either play host while you’re showing guests around, or to act as tour guides. You can even allow guests to tour at their own bidding. Depending on how many people are slated to show up, you may want help cooking your delectable snacks earlier in the morning. Finally, you should have a go-to friend in case you run out of ice or food that can make a jaunt to the store to pick up more.

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Daily Dose: Greg Laswell - Comes and Goes

MSU Project to Study How Air Pollution Affects Health

Could the air we breathe trigger chronic conditions like diabetes? Can it help make us fat?
Those questions are part of a five-year, $8-million research project at Michigan State University. It builds on previous research suggesting some pollutants increase blood pressure and blood sugar levels in laboratory animals -- the kinds of indicators associated with cardiovascular and metabolic disease and the warning signs of diseases such as diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Jack Harkema, the lead investigator, likens the health connection to the effects of smoking. Common sense says inhaling cigarette toxins will damage your lungs. The "remote responses" like damage to the heart aren't as obvious, said Harkema, a professor at MSU's College of Veterinary Medicine.

Likewise, air pollution may trigger health risks in unexpected ways. One study suggested that young mice exposed to air pollution had extra abdominal fat and higher insulin resistance.
To be clear, no one is saying pollutants alone pack on pounds. "But it's that (pollutants are) going to enhance the cardiovascular and metabolic problems associated with obesity," said Harkema, who is in Washington today for the announcement of the grants by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency.

"We think air pollution can cause some of the same things that a bad diet does."