Friday, January 28, 2011

Turn Your Dorm Into a Home

One of the most exciting things about going away to college is moving into the dorms. However, when homesickness strikes, your dorm room can seem almost like an alien planet if you do not decorate in a way that makes you feel like your little space belongs entirely to you. Help make your dorm room feel like home by incorporating the best of the new college you and the old you into homey dormitory decor

Use your old comforter or a cozy afghan to make your room look more familiar. The best way to make a dorm room feel like home is to bring one of the most integral parts of your old room with you. A familiar comforter not only makes everything look a little more comfortable, but it is reassuring to snuggle up under when the nights are cold or long.
Customize the lighting. While you probably cannot change the light fixtures in your dorm room, you can accessorize with softer lighting. Large paper lanterns that plug into the wall or a pleasantly shaded lamp will prevent you from having to use harsh fluorescent lights all the time.

Hang up the bulletin board and begin decorating it with old and new photos. This will help you keep your friends and family close but also begin to make new friends. As your collage grows with the passing year, you will be able to look at it during down times to remind yourself that you are glad to be in college and that you are going to make a success of your time there.

Mount the wall shelf. You can usually do this with a drill and two screws. Most dorms do not prohibit hanging this type of space saver as long as you do not damage the wall.

Place some favorite books or other items from your old room on the shelf. If you put books on it, make sure to use steady bookends to make sure that you do not end up under them in the middle of the night.

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